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Aconitum carmichaelii Arendsii


Plant these tall spires of flowers at the back of the perennial border or in a woodland garden. Toxic if eaten.Use caution when handling because of the poisonous sap. Wash hands after handling, keep children and pets away.

  • »  Upright perennial with long, leathery foliage
  • »  Dark green, glossy leaves on strong stems
  • »  Deep blue, hooded flowers
  • »  Bloom Time: Early to mid-autumn

  • Category:Perennials
  • Hardiness Zone:2
  • Height:100-125 cm
  • Spread:40-60 cm
  • Bloom Color: Blue
Full Sun
Partial Sun/Shade
Soil Moisture
Moist to Average
Growth Rate
Flowering Time
Lt. Sum-Fall
Foliage Color
Green (dark)
Planting instructions
Container Plants
Additional Information about Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii'

The upper sepal of the flower bears a striking resemblance to the cloth hood worn by a medieval monk, thus the common name "Monkshood".

Growing & Maintenance Tips for Aconitum carmichaelii 'Arendsii'

Grows well in full sun but requires sufficient water. Aconitum grows best where shade is provided in the hot hours of the afternoon. Relatively slow- growing, it won't need to be divided regularly. They are very resistant to pests and diseases. Beware of handling this plant as all parts are highly poisonous.